
There are multiple ways to install the Stackable Operator for Apache Zookeeper. stackablectl is the preferred way but Helm is also supported. OpenShift users may prefer installing the operator from the RedHat Certified Operator catalog using the OpenShift web console.

  • Helm

You can also use Helm to install the Operators. Add the Stackable Helm repository:

helm repo add stackable-dev

Then install the Stackable Operators:

helm install --wait commons-operator stackable-dev/commons-operator --version 0.0.0-dev
helm install --wait secret-operator stackable-dev/secret-operator --version 0.0.0-dev
helm install --wait listener-operator stackable-dev/listener-operator --version 0.0.0-dev
helm install --wait zookeeper-operator stackable-dev/zookeeper-operator --version 0.0.0-dev

Helm deploys the operators in Kubernetes Deployments and applies the CRDs for the ZooKeeperCluster Stacklet.

What’s next?

Use the operator to deploy a ZooKeeper Stacklet.